Wednesday, January 13, 2010

january 13th 2010

Hi everyone!!
I have a surprise!!!I will tell you at the end of my blog!Today I got to hold many baby too!!It is so hot out!! I hope winter is nice there.I miss you a lot and hope you have a good two months.
have a nice and happy two months!!


P.S.The surprise isI now have a picture of my birth mom!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi all,
    What a day you had - and what a day for you Nina. We look forward to seeing the picture of your birth mother.

    Maeve and Nina, you look very confident and professional as you hold the babies. I'm sure the babies would be happy to have you play with them for months! Did you bring any baby toys with you or did you think that you'd just start a basketball team with them on their blankets?!

    Everything is fine here - we may get freezing rain to replace some snow, but other than that we have our regular (non-exotic) routine to follow.

    Thanks for the excellent blog posts!
    xo Aunt Johann

  2. HEY MAEVEYO AND EVERYONE ELS!!! this time its just hana! i hope all of you are haveing a great time!!! i miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! i got to go talk to you soon!
    ps lets skype soon!

  3. Hello Nina!
    I just got your blog address, and I am very interested to hear all your adventures! It must be very nice to have your birth Mom's picture. It is a very long way to go for a picture, though. Do you look like her?

    The class will be reading your blog tomorrow, Friday, on the smart board. Keep having fun, and we'll read about it!
    Miss Lynne
