Saturday, February 20, 2010

Nina's post

Hey everyone!!!!

Nina here!!!We are going to Cambodia!!!We have less than two weeks left before we leave.Right now I am sick.

We stayed at a nice hotel called the Kim Lan Hotel two days ago!!!

Guess what, I learned how to play chess!

Bye for now!


  1. Hi all,
    Sorry you are sick now Nina. I'm sure there will be a sweet-tasting cure soon. How are the candies in Cambodia?
    Everything here is fine and un-exotic in Etobicoke. School, work, hum, drum . . . Jane is busy right now on a French project and I am busy trying to keep the squirrels away from my bird feeder. They have discovered how to jump from the tree and have told all their friends about this easy access. I've asked Simon to go out to supervise the porch but he is busy sitting in a sun patch in the living room. It is actually nice to have some sun, so I'm glad he is enjoying it.

    Have a great time exploring Cambodia - I think it is full of exciting history.
    lots of love, Aunt Johann x0 x0 x0

  2. Hi from Sahana and Prema !!

    All the animals at your home are enjoying this sunny (but cold) day in Dundas. We know you are probably starting to realize that you'll be back within two weeks and are squeezing as much as you can out of your last days on tour! We've been in constant awe of your travels thus far!! Everything is fine here and waiting, comfortably, for your return! Your animals have the most interesting personalities. It's been fun figuring them out! Maeve, you have two new customers at SQ for your farm-fresh eggs! Ava in SQ8 and Liam in your class! I think there might be more by the time you get back, you might have to get more hens!!

    This week at school was Olympic Colours and a visit from a parent-Olympian and also teacher appreciation week after Family Day was off on Monday. We made a chocolate cake from whole wheat flour, oats, grapeseed oil, the hens' eggs and cocoa and also put your name on the card since it was baked with your hens' eggs at your farm! :o) The teachers REALLY loved it!! I made a vanilla one on Tuesday at my Dad's downtown. We had coffee, sweets and a pizza lunch for the staff to say thank you. It's such a great school!

    Have a safe trip home and tell Nina that your Auntie Johann is right, a Cambodian candy treat should make her feel MUCH MUCH better!!!!! :o)

    Huggggss and have some fun for us too!

  3. P.S.: Your pictures and commentaries are always so colourful and beautiful! Bravo, girls!! (Prema)
